An Interview with Mom

Some of you know our mom. If you’re in that crowd, you’re lucky - she’s pretty awesome. If not, well, you should meet her sometime. She’s one of those people that will find the positive side to anything, and she’ll join in a conversation with a one-liner that will have you cracking up.

This Mother’s Day is our excuse for a “Meet the Team” post about our mom. Our parents came to my house for the weekend, so we sat down and did a not-so-formal interview. Both our parents got the same questions (since our dad’s “Meet the Team” post is coming next month), and trust me, it was hilarious. Ready?

Stef’s Bridal Shower, 2019 (complete with a flailing two-year-old)

If you were describing yourself to a stranger, what would you say?

Oh boy, let’s see. For me, family comes first, even though I work a lot [she’s a lab supervisor at the hospital]. I always try to have a good sense of humor. I try not to stress too much, even though I do. [At this point, she got hit in the face by a piece of spaghetti from the game “Yeti in my Spaghetti” that my daughter was trying to play with her - it distracted her a bit.] Oh, and my happy place is anywhere I am with my family.

What does success mean to you?

Being happy and making sure that I can take care of everyone in my family.

What did you think when we said we were opening an Etsy shop together?

I was very excited that the two of you were working together on the project and I thought it was perfectly suited for both of your artistic abilities.

How do you feel about our business ventures now?

I’m excited to see how you’re growing and expanding into different avenues of sales and showing your products. It makes me proud when I give your product to someone else and they’re impressed and happy with it, and then they ask for your business cards.

Christmas, 2016

What is one of your favorite products that we make?

I don’t have a favorite - I like them all! They all have a slightly different meaning, either behind the saying or the reason the sign was made.

Do you have any ideas for products you’d like to see in the shop?

I think you already have so many great ideas, I don’t know if I’d be able to contribute any ideas to add to it. But I think it’s cool that you can take someone’s idea and create a product that matches their vision.

Do you have a favorite memory of us growing up?

I have a different perspective [than Dad] because I got to be a stay-at-home mom with you guys. The best times were being home with the two of you; you played together so well and had the best imaginations. We didn’t need the TV, you weren’t playing video games, we sometimes played outside until way after dark just playing whatever we wanted to - it was fun.

Stef’s wedding, 2019

When we were younger, what did you think we’d be doing once we’d grown up?

I always thought you’d be a teacher [Stef - she was right!]. I always thought Amanda was going to be something along the lines of a fashion designer or interior designer.

What would you say makes our family unique and different from other families?

The more time I spend managing people and hearing their stories, I am thankful that we all care about each other and listen to each other. We may have our days where we don’t want to talk to each other, but we usually continue to listen and work it out, and we are always there for each other.

Destin, Florida, 2013

Our mom is a part of our team because she’s the driving force behind our creative nature. The time she spent at home with us that she mentioned included plenty of crafts and coloring. We were always encouraged to make something, to color something, to think about what we could do to create something new. She may not be the one making the signs, but she was the one that started it all.

We’re wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to our mom and all the other moms out there as well! Enjoy your day, and keep on encouraging your kids the way our mom has always encouraged us!


An Interview with Dad


Bribery at Its Finest