Taco Lasagna
There’s nothing we love more around here than some authentic Mexican food, but Italian food comes in as a close second. This recipe combines tacos and lasagna, and while I’m not claiming that it’s authentic to either region, it’s incredibly tasty!
Make a Valentine Mailbox
Do you remember Valentine’s Day in grade school? It wasn’t about finding a date at an exclusive restaurant or figuring out the perfect gift for someone special - it was all about getting excited when someone attached candy to their class Valentine cards and checking out who had the coolest Valentine mailbox.
An Interview with Dad
Our dad is a character. If you’ve ever met him, I guarantee he left an impression. He makes friends wherever he goes - it was a running joke that we couldn’t go out anywhere without our dad finding a friend to talk to.
An Interview with Mom
Some of you know our mom. If you’re in that crowd, you’re lucky - she’s pretty awesome. If not, well, you should meet her sometime. She’s one of those people that will find the positive side to anything, and she’ll join in a conversation with a one-liner that will have you cracking up.
Bribery at Its Finest
What started as a quickly-snapped screenshot of a built-in desk quickly turned into an amazing birthday present. Read more about how I was able to design my dream built-in desk for my husband to install - it only took him half a day!
Meet the Sisters
The question we get asked most often is “Are you sisters?” to which we reply with an enthusiastic “Yes!” The name isn’t just a gimmick, there’s really two of us and we’re actually related. The hard part is figuring out which sister is which (unless you know us, in which case - sorry!).