Crafts The Sister Sister Shop Crafts The Sister Sister Shop

Make a Valentine Mailbox

Do you remember Valentine’s Day in grade school? It wasn’t about finding a date at an exclusive restaurant or figuring out the perfect gift for someone special - it was all about getting excited when someone attached candy to their class Valentine cards and checking out who had the coolest Valentine mailbox.

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DIY The Sister Sister Shop DIY The Sister Sister Shop

How to Apply a Vinyl Decal

So far, everyone we’ve sent a logo or decal to has loved them, but everyone pretty much has the same question - how the heck do you put it on? It’s actually really easy to get a vinyl decal on, although it can look intimidating if you’ve never seen one applied before. All you need is your decal, some painter’s tape, and a scraper!

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Behind the Scenes The Sister Sister Shop Behind the Scenes The Sister Sister Shop

An Interview with Dad

Our dad is a character. If you’ve ever met him, I guarantee he left an impression. He makes friends wherever he goes - it was a running joke that we couldn’t go out anywhere without our dad finding a friend to talk to.

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Behind the Scenes The Sister Sister Shop Behind the Scenes The Sister Sister Shop

An Interview with Mom

Some of you know our mom. If you’re in that crowd, you’re lucky - she’s pretty awesome. If not, well, you should meet her sometime. She’s one of those people that will find the positive side to anything, and she’ll join in a conversation with a one-liner that will have you cracking up.

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DIY The Sister Sister Shop DIY The Sister Sister Shop

Bribery at Its Finest

What started as a quickly-snapped screenshot of a built-in desk quickly turned into an amazing birthday present. Read more about how I was able to design my dream built-in desk for my husband to install - it only took him half a day!

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Behind the Scenes The Sister Sister Shop Behind the Scenes The Sister Sister Shop

Meet the Sisters

The shop name isn’t just a gimmick, there’s really two sisters running this business. Read more to find out how we got started and learn more about each of us - let us know if you figure out which sister is which!

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