An Interview with Dad
Our dad is a character. If you’ve ever met him, I guarantee he left an impression. He makes friends wherever he goes - it was a running joke that we couldn’t go out anywhere without our dad finding a friend to talk to.
An Interview with Mom
Some of you know our mom. If you’re in that crowd, you’re lucky - she’s pretty awesome. If not, well, you should meet her sometime. She’s one of those people that will find the positive side to anything, and she’ll join in a conversation with a one-liner that will have you cracking up.
Meet the Sisters
The question we get asked most often is “Are you sisters?” to which we reply with an enthusiastic “Yes!” The name isn’t just a gimmick, there’s really two of us and we’re actually related. The hard part is figuring out which sister is which (unless you know us, in which case - sorry!).